Procida Symposion
copyright @WIMBY 2023

WIMBY presented at Procida Symposion

We are happy to share with our readers an update about the project WIMBY presented at the Procida Symposion. On 14th -18th September the third interdisciplinary Symposion took place on the island of Procida, Italy.  It was organised by the WIMBY consortium partner Kelso Institute Europe in cooperation with the European University Viadrina. The Procida Symposion served as a platform for an in-person exchange between scientists of diverse disciplines, including members of the WIMBY consortium who presented the project.

Wind in Conflict – Who owns the commons?

The central theme of the symposion was the de facto appropriation of ownership rights in the wind energy sector. Scholars explored intricate queries regarding wind energy ownership, its impact on community benefits, and fair responsibility allocation. At the heart of the discussions were concerns of justice, differing interests in wind energy, and addressing public misconceptions about this renewable energy source.

Challenging the Status Quo

The symposium provided a vital platform for scientists to explore the multifaceted aspects of the tenets of transitional justice within the energy transition. Participants presented their research insights, which triggered engaging dialogues and debates. Discussions focused on balancing ownership, benefits, and shared responsibilities in wind energy, fostering sustainability.

Towards a Sustainable Future

The symposium was a testament to the complexities surrounding wind energy and the challenges in navigating its future expansion. The exchange between participants was profound and fruitful, setting the stage for the continued work of the WIMBY project. These insights will be crucial in shaping the future of wind energy, aiming for a more equitable and sustainable transition.


Written by: Monika Bucha, Kelso Insitute Europe


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