D1.5 – Terrestrial birds and bats collision risk models and maps

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In line with Europe’s decarbonization goals, the number and the capacity of wind-power farms is projected to increase in coming decades. However, wind farms can pose risks to biodiversity: flying animals can fatally collide with wind-farm infrastructure and bats can experience deadly barotrauma when flying close to turbines. To inform the deployment of wind farms at the European scale and minimise risks to wildlife, here we aimed to assess collision-mortality risk across European bird and bat species. We present the first version (Version (a)) of collision-mortality risk models, and associated outputs for 477 birds and 27 bats known to occur in Europe. To generate these, we used a compilation of recorded collisions for birds and bats from published papers and reports, which we combined with data on species traits, wind-farm characteristics, and landscape characteristics. We investigated associations between these variables and collision mortality at the species level using statistical models. We used our models’ outcomes to create collision-mortality risk maps, with the aim of informing spatial deployment of wind power projects and possible mitigation measures.