D1.3 – Land and Sea use and change maps

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This deliverable D1.3 describes the first version of the dataset created in task 1.2: Land & Sea Use And Change. The deliverable is the outcome of various data analyses, starting from raw data compilation of Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite images from 2015 – 2023, the development of region-dependent algorithms for change detection, and the statistical analyses of the change data. The provision of this data is paramount for many tasks in WP3 and also tasks in other work-packages. The change dataset has a spatial resolution of 10m x 10m and is a binary raster dataset visualizing changes beneath and around wind turbine locations, which were built between 2015
and 2023. The statistical analysis consists of vector data and is based on the change raster, land-cover data, the biogeographical region and terrain data. The statistical calculations are made on a per wind turbine basis, but also for wind parks comprising a set of wind turbines. Currently data analysis is ongoing work and consists of a set of EU countries (Austria, Denmark, Italy, Norway and Portugal) and will be extended further during the next months.