Pilot Sites

The project will collect real-world data on four pilot sites located in Italy, Austria, Norway and Portugal to engage directly local communities and understand valuable insights into the factors that influence public attitudes towards wind power and its applications.
The selected pilot cases cover a wide range of geographical, technological and societal characteristics that ensure that the developed tools are relevant and useful to wind power deployment and energy citizenship. Pilot sites could help to identify potential challenges and obstacles to wind power knowledge and develop more realistic strategies for promoting it.
The studies that will be done from the local point of view, can then be scaled up and be used for European-scale applications, thanks to the experiences and methodologies applied transformed into guidelines and best practices.

2023 T. Schauppenlehner Windturbines Vienna - landscape picture of windturbines in the back of Vienna, early day with some fog and broad view of the city from a far viewpoint
credits go to author: T. Schauppenlehner - Windturbines in the back of Vienna







