WIMBY Concept

About wimby

WIMBY is an European funded project supporting the adoption and acceptance of wind-power in the European Union. It will develop innovative tools to facilitate citizen and stakeholders interaction, knowledge sharing, and collaborative evaluation of impacts, conflicts, synergies and social innovation potential.

The main objective of this research is to mitigate the “Not in my backyard” (NIMBY) effect by providing practical information that all stakeholders and citizens can use for simple and comprehensible assessments, aimed at creating a common ground for participatory decision making processes.

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Season’s greetings from WIMBY

As we approach the final year of the WIMBY project in 2025, we reflect on…

December 20, 2024
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Expected results

The main outcomes of the WIMBY project

ic ecologist

Environmental impact assessment

ic citizensSocietal impact assessment

ic energyWind power potential deployment assessment

ic human computerValidation of wind installation modeling tools

ic urban planner

Web-gis interactive forum

ic geographycistsImmersive 3d environment development

ic human computerMethodological framework development and validation